Tuesday 11 December 2012

We have a new home, complete with a discussion forum!

The Thinner Buddha Wellness Blog is now located at http://forum.thinnerbuddha.com/blog.php

View our recent posts via the direct links below:

The impeccable standard that isn't - Why we need a better wellness metric than ROI

Completing a relative value assessment: Step 1 - The strategic alignment index

Print Ready Promotion - Wellness bookmarks on a shoestring budget

Overcoming common pitfalls of wellness promotion

Is the typical definition of wellness also a broken one?

You can also view our wellness administrator's forum at http://forum.thinnerbuddha.com. As always, registration is free. Members have full access to print-ready wellness promotions, strategic planning worksheets, and of course wisdom. Please update your bookmarks and join us in our new home!